Our customers ask us all the time, “What’s the legal limit for window tint in Iowa, and what exactly are the window tint laws for the state of Iowa?”
Legally you can’t have tint on your front door windows. The law states that your front door windows must read at least 70% visibility, and even thought your front windows look “clear”, the glass actually reads around 75% visibility. So legally you can’t put tint on your front door windows in Iowa.
Do people tint their front windows anyway? YES, it’s up to you.
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So to make things easier, we decided to add a page on our website (you’re on it right now) that describes exactly what the Iowa laws are for Window Tint, and whether or not you can get an exception from your doctor to have your window tint darker than the legal limit according to the Iowa Window Tint laws.
The first thing you need to know:
As of July 4th 2012, Iowa no longer grants exemptions for windows to be tinted beyond the legal limit due to medical conditions.
Second, the legal limit for window tint according to the Iowa Window Tint Law is that you must allow 70% of light to pass through your FRONT DOOR WINDOWS and WINDSHIELD (in other words, 70% visibility).
There is NO limit to how dark you can tint your rear door windows and back windshield.
You can tint your windshield down the the “AS1” line at the top of your windshield on the sides.
Keep in mind: A “clear” front door window or windshield (the way it comes from the factory with no tint on it) only allows about 75% of light or visibility because the glass is not completely “clear”.
So, adding any window tint at all will put your windows over the legal window tint limit.
Our Window Tint Pricing here!
Serving central Iowa and Des Moines
Have more questions about Iowas window tint laws?
Call us! 515-971-3902
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